
Children's Coloring Book

This coloring book provides an opportunity for parents and caregivers to help children identify and process big emotions to improve child mental health and family wellbeing.

Funding for this coloring book was made possible by support from the Washington State Department of Health COVID-19 Emergency Language and Community Outreach Services (ELCOS).


Respect, Protect, Connect Family Leadership Institute

In January 2022 launched our partnership with the Washington State Department of Health and the Washington Youth Sexual Health Innovation and Impact Network (WYSHIIN). The LLNW team got busy planning and emerged the Respect, Protect, Connect Family Leadership Pilot Program, which debuted in July 2022 at River City Church, right in the heart of the Fourth Plain corridor. This bilingual and multigenerational sexual health and relationship workshop allowed local families a safe space to explore these important topics with trusted mentors and facilitators. 

Covering topics ranging from unpacking boundaries and dating red flags to the toxicity of machismo and role swapping, participants learned through activities and rich discussion. Facilitator Rodolfo Serna described a moment where one of the mothers in the group shared her expectations and said she felt this was a safe space where she could truly open up. It was during this moment that she began to get emotional. He later called this a “Safe space, Brave space, Sacred space” 

Additional RPC sexual and reproductive health resources can be found on our Flowcode!

Parent Leadership Institute

The SW Washington Latino Parent Leadership Institute was founded in 2015 by Diana Avalos-Leos and WSU Vancouver Professor Dr. Katherine Rodela in order to promote and help develop the leadership and advocacy of all parents and family caregivers, especially Latino families in our local schools and communities.

The Parent Leadership Institute offers bilingual, culturally responsive leadership workshops for parents in our community with the goal of greater equity and justice for all underserved students and communities of color in the Pacific Northwest.


Recursos Para Padres

Learning Heros (En Español)

Tienes lo que se necesita: tú eres el que mejor conoce a tu hijo. Sin embargo, hasta los superhéroes necesitan un equipo. Estamos aquí para ayudarte a apoyar el aprendizaje en casa, con medidas sencillas para facilitar la ruta al futuro exitoso de tu hijo.


Latinx Parenting

Latinx Parenting is a bilingual organization rooted in children's rights, social and racial justice and antiracism, the individual and collective practice of nonviolence and reparenting, intergenerational and ancestral healing, cultural sustenance, and the active decolonization of oppressive practices in our families.


Colorín Colorado (En Español)

Colorín Colorado es el principal sitio web nacional que presta servicio a maestros y familias de estudiantes del idioma inglés (ELLs) de los grados PreK-12. Por más de una década Colorín Colorado ha ofrecido información basada en la investigación, actividades y consejos para padres, escuelas y comunidades de todo el país.


Vroom (En Español)

Las Actividades Vroom™ te ayudan a realzar los momentos que comparten. Suma conocimientos a la hora de comer, bañarte, dormir o en cualquier momento con más de 1,000 actividades divertidas y gratuitas.


